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Wednesday, December 5, 2018

The Real Link Between Sugar Consumption And Cancer

There are over 37 trillion cells in the average living person. Each cell is like a living organism. Each cell requires energy and must produce energy to carry out vital functions; that cellular energy is mainly created from the healthy metabolism and electron transfer of macro-nutrients and micro-nutrients from the foods that we eat.

Because the right type and balance of sugar molecules are necessary for cellular energy production, sugar consumption alone is not the cause of cancer. Likewise, a sugarless diet will not automatically eradicate cancer from the body. The breakdown of normal metabolic processes within the cell causes inflammation and is therefore the precursor to a host of chronic diseases, including the development of cancerous cells. The real link between sugar and cancer is the consumption of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and over-consumption of refined sugars which causes the breakdown of healthy metabolic processes within the cell.

Natural sugars play a role in cellular energy production

However, cells need sugars, fats, and protein in order to create and store energy-rich molecules such as ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) for future use. These important macro-nutrients pass through the semi-permeable membrane of the cell. The composition of the cell membrane is important for attracting the right nutrients to the cell; therefore omega fatty acids are important for the development of healthy cell membranes. The ATP energy that is created in the cell is used to power metabolism and construct new cellular components. Enzymes use this energy to accelerate necessary chemical reactions within the cell. (MORE)

Source: Natural News

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