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Monday, June 11, 2018

Herbs For Regenerating Bodily Tissues With Nutrition

When you get sick, the regenerative processes of the body are overcome by degenerative ones. Regeneration is described as the regrowth of a damaged or missing part of the remaining tissue. Some body organs, such as the liver and skin, can regenerate. For example, when a part of the liver is lost as a result of disease or injury, the liver can grow back to its original size. Even so, it will not grow back to its original shape. The skin, on the other hand, is constantly being renewed and repaired.

However, a lot of human tissues do not regenerate. As a result, scientists continue to search for ways to regenerate body tissues through medicines. Unfortunately, medicines based on drugs use chemicals that do not possess regenerative potential. Drug-based medicines almost always disrupt bodily self-renewal in order to hamper the symptoms against which they are applied. Listed below are natural compounds, foods, herbs, and nutrients that can help regenerate tissues in the body.
  • Neuritogenic compounds – For nerve regeneration, there is a wide variety of natural compounds with proven nerve-regeneration effects. A 2010 study published in the journal Rejuvenation Research found that a combination of blueberry, green tea, and carnosine have neuritogenic effects – such as promoting neuronal regeneration, and stem-call regenerative effects – in an animal model of neurodegenerative disease. Other proven neuritogenic natural compounds include curcumin, lion’s mane mushroom, ginseng, huperzine, natto, red sage, resveratrol, royal jelly, theanine, ashwaganda, coffee, and apigenin, which can be found in vegetables like celery. (Related: New Study: Turmeric Compound Activates Regeneration of Brain Stem Cells.) (MORE)
Source: Natural News

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