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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Daily Inspiration


Unknown said...

Greeting from Middleway Meditation

Transcending All Differences
Meditation is a universal act that
everyone in this world can do.
All can practice it regardless of nationality, religion, or
ethnicity. All one needs is a human body. The air is a
universal element in this world, in which everyone
can breathe. No matter where we go in the planet,
we will find air. Meditation is like the air – universal
and essential.
If we do not close our minds, but rather,
consider it carefully, we realize that we can still
follow the religion we believe in and incorporate
meditation. To not think at all, anyone of any
religion in this world can do, whether one is a
Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, and so on.
To not do something is not against the law, is not
immoral, and does not go against any ancient
tradition. Simply close your eyes and do nothing.
In other words, meditate. It is a practice that will
bring our lives happiness and fulfillment, which
we should take utmost care to preserve

Unknown said...

Searching for the Truth
In the Pali language, ‘natthi santiparam
sukham’ means ‘there is no happiness other
than the peace of mind.’ The happiness
that one cannot explain with words is the
happiness that arises from a still mind
in meditation. The attainment of inner
happiness is something that everyone
can do if we give ourselves the opportunity.
Does truth exist? Does true happiness exist? We
can discover the answers to these questions and
then share them with the world.
The first step is to search for the truth.
Meditate and clarify the mind. When we do so,
happiness will be within reach. It is like when we
are about to learn a foreign language. We must
forget our native language to learn the new. Study
the subject of life in the same manner. You must
forget other things temporarily. Then you will
discover the many benefits of meditation.
This knowledge is the universal knowledge
that everyone has the right to learn. We must seek
the answers within ourselves, by ourselves. We will
be both the student and the teacher. The library
of true knowledge is within us. It can be accessed
by closing your eyes and expanding the mind. If
you search for the answer, you will find it.
Therefore, if people in the world temporarily
forget their differences in religion, personal
beliefs, traditions, customs, or cultures, and allow
their minds to open, they can begin practising
meditation and reaching true inner happiness.
There are many religious followers who have
opened their minds to the practice of meditation.
Their perception of the world evolved from one
of suffering to indescribable happiness. More and
more people, adults and children, are beginning
to experience this as they open their minds and
follow the right principles.

Unknown said...

Different Shells but the
Same Core
Differences arise as we grow up and start
to recognise the variation in nationality, religion,
race, skin colour, social status, appearance,
etc. Differences can contribute to division and
conflict. But once we close our eyes, the differences
disappear. Thus, we should close our eyes to seek
the universal happiness inside. When we see
the universal truth, all differences will become
insignificant. The conflicts in this world will
vanish. We will think, speak, and act in harmony.
In other words, we will think only about virtuous
deeds, resulting in the progression of good
Dhamma. Goodwill and fellowship will arise.
People will seek happiness from giving, not just
by taking or receiving. It will be as if there are no
borders. We will all feel a sense of belonging to the
same brotherhood.

Unknown said...

The Universal Sentiment Expressed
By Luangphaw Dhammajayo

People may have external differences,
but their innermost self is the same. It is the
similarities that transcend their differences.
Nationality or religion does not matter. After
they bring their minds to a standstill, all of them
describe the same feeling: that meditation brings
about great unlimited happiness that they have
never encountered before.
If everyone in the world has the same goal
or dream of seeing true peace in the world, a
world with no borders, no soldiers, no police,
a world where people have only love and good
wishes for each other, true peace will not be
difficult to achieve. True world peace begins with
inner peace, when our minds are still and calm.
Once everyone can do this, true world peace can
happen at this very moment.
To share in the same dream, we must learn
and experience meditation altogether. However,
people cannot communicate effectively with
one another yet. There are many barriers in
our communication, such as custom, tradition,
culture, language and geography. If we can
overcome these barriers and communicate to the
world about how to still the mind, we will have
true world peace. This is not just a dream, but a
determination to make it a reality.