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Friday, September 7, 2018

Time For A Second Serving: Garlic And Onions Reduce The Effects Of A High-Fat Diet

For thousands of years, cultures around the world have recognized and utilized the amazing healing benefits of garlic and onions. As far back as 1500 B.C., the Egyptians prescribed garlic to treat a multitude of ailments, including everything from abnormal growths and parasitic infections, to a general feeling of being mentally or physically unwell. The Assyrians used it as an antibiotic, and the Greeks ate it before competing in the Olympics to increase their strength. Even Hippocrates, the famous founder of modern medicine, recommended it for a variety of ailments.
Onions have a similarly long and illustrious medicinal history. The ancient Egyptians fed them to the workers who built the pyramids to increase their strength, and in India, onions were mentioned in a famous early medicine treatise called charaka Samhita, which dates back to 6 B.C.
Now, a study conducted by researchers from Nanjing, China, published in the journal Nutrition and Metabolism, has found that the oils in garlic and onions have anti-obesity properties that can counteract the effects of a high fat diet in rats – and therefore likely in humans – on body weight, serum lipid profiles and adipose tissue weight.

Less weight gain = better health

To extract the oils needed for the study, fresh garlic cloves and onion bulbs were chopped, soaked in distilled water, and then subjected to hydrodistillation in essential oil testing equipment for several hours. The essential oils obtained were then dehydrated and stored in the dark at room temperature. The researchers used 96 Sprague-Dawley rats, divided into eight groups, for the study: (MORE)

Source:Natural News

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