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Thursday, August 16, 2018

Why You Need Sodium, And How Much Is Necessary

Too much or too little causes health issues

t is no secret that most of us consume way more sodium than our bodies need. The latest nutritional analysis done by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states that, on average, we consume 50 percent more sodium than we need every day. Multiply that by the number of years we’ve gorged on potato chips, and it’s a wonder why more of us don’t suffer from conditions related to excess sodium such as hypertension and cardiovascular disorders.

Yet, it’s a precarious situation we’ve placed ourselves in. Sodium (which is mostly found in salt) is an important electrolyte. We need sodium to survive. Sodium helps the body manage different functions and keeps us well-hydrated.
But how much is too much? The FDA recommends a daily sodium intake of up to 2,300 milligrams (mg) per day. This is roughly a teaspoon of salt. However, most Americans consume an average of 3,400 mg per day.

Throwing that salt shaker away won’t work either. Let’s be realistic: Most of our salt intake is not in how much salt we add to our dinners, but in the amount of processed food we eat. Food such as pizza, deli meats, pasta dishes, and many salad dressings are notably high in sodium.

Food does not always have to taste salty to be high in sodium. Some sweet-tasting cereals and pastries contain large amounts of sodium as well.
Consuming too much sodium can lead to several medical conditions. Too often, we do not know that our bodies are already degrading until something serious happens. Nevertheless, there are some tell-tale signs that you may have too much sodium in your system. (MORE)

Source: Natural News

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