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Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The Secret To Good Health Is Simply Eating More Vegetables

 If someone tells you to “eat your vegetables,” they might be on to something good: Science has proven time and again that vegetables hold the key to building a healthy body.

According to an article in Archives of Medicine, foods which originated from plants contain so-called “protective chemicals” which are composed of phytonutrients or phytochemicals. What’s more, there are about 100 of these in just one serving of vegetables – making a person who regularly consumed vegetables less likely to contract viruses and develop illnesses.

The study is centered on the significance of eating foods with high phytonutrients value to keep the body healthy. Essentially, it states that a more plant-based diet is beneficial to decrease the risk of disease. Phytochemicals can be found in a variety of plants and give different effects to the body.

For example, red foods are known for having lycopene. Vegetables like tomatoes and beets are helpful in reducing the risk of heart disease and prostate cancer. Green vegetables typically have lutein and zeaxanthin which are often related to supporting good eyesight and a healthy heart.

Blue and purple foods are good sources of anthocyanins believed to aid in fighting off cancer while White vegetables, like cauliflower, have sulforaphane that helps protect against cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases.

Researchers also said that phytonutrients have elements that help reduce inflammation, remove toxins in the body and aid in balancing one’s hormonal levels, adding that “Phytochemicals have an antioxidant effect that protects cells from cancer and cardiovascular disease, as well as from urinary tract infections, rheumatoid arthritis, and reduced immunity.” (MORE)

Source: Natural News

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