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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Start a Meditation Practice for the New Year and Make It Stick

You've heard about the many benefits of meditation. Maybe you've even thought of trying it yourself, but you aren't quite sure where to begin. I'd like to offer some tips to get you started. I can't claim to be an expert, or a guru, just an average person whose life is enhanced by her meditation practice, and this is what helps me keep it up.

Get comfortable.

 Find a space in your home that can become your meditation space. It doesn't even have to be a permanent one, but make it easily accessible. Every morning the center of my living room floor becomes my meditation space. I have my favorite pillow tucked away close by that I can just pull out.

Get something to sit on to make you more comfortable. Ideally, your knees should be at about the same level as your hips, so placing cushions or a blanket underneath your bottom will create this lift and allow for more comfort. Sitting in a chair is another option, and sometimes even lying on your back can be the perfect meditative pose. You want to find a position that you can maintain for a while.

Tune in.

 Once you have found a comfortable position with a nice straight spine, you can tune your body in, or center yourself. This may be done simply with a few long deep breaths, or you may want to set an intention -- what do you want to get out of meditating? Say it to yourself silently.
Some yoga traditions have mantras to help you tune in. In the Kundalini Yoga tradition, we tune in with the mantra "Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo" (listen to it here), which means I bow to the teachers who have come before me. I bow to the teacher within myself and to the infinite wisdom that is all around me. Chanting a simple "Om" can center you into that meditative space as well. (MORE)

Source: Huffington Post

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Meditation is such the process of body relaxation that give us a complete rest by body and mind. I am the experience person of meditation and learn lots of knowledge about it at