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Monday, September 9, 2013

6 Myths About Meditation That Might Surprise You

Before becoming one of the foremost pioneers in alternative medicine and mind-body healing, Dr. Deepak Chopra M.D., studied internal medicine and endocrinology. Dr. Chopra is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians, a member of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, and an adjunct professor of Executive Programs at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. He has written more than 65 books, is the founder of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing in California and has worked with a host of celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey, George Harrison and Elizabeth Taylor. Dr. Chopra is a new wellness contributor at

One of Dr. Chopra's guiding philosophies is that meditation can both heal you and reverse the biological effects of aging. Sounds great, right? But what exactly is meditation? And is it really good for you?

Let's start with what meditation isn't: At its essence, meditation has nothing to do with religion or yoga or anything hippies did in the '60s. According to the Mayo Clinic, meditation is a way to reduce stress by focusing your attention and eliminating the stream of jumbled thoughts that may be crowding your mind. You can practice this ancient relaxation technique anywhere at any time, says Dr. Chopra, who debunks six common myths about meditating:

Myth #1: Meditation is hard.Truth: This myth is rooted in the image of meditation as a practice reserved only for saints, holy men, and yogis. Though it's best to learn from an experienced, knowledgeable teacher, the techniques can be as simple as focusing on your breathing or silently repeating a mantra. One reason why meditation may seem difficult is that we try too hard to concentrate, we’re overly attached to results, or we’re not sure we are doing it right. (MORE)

Source: Huffington Post

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