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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Exercise, Meditation May Ease Need For Medication

Two reports show how exercise and meditation may control problems that are normally taken care of by medication.
Researchers from the University of Texas evaluated 80 patients with mild to moderate depression. The patients were placed in five groups.
Four of the groups exercised at various levels of intensity, while another group didn’t exercise at all.
At the end of 12 weeks, the researchers found dramatic differences in those in the higher exercise groups.
Those exercising on a treadmill three times a week or more for 30 minutes or more had a 50 percent reduction in their depressive symptoms.
The groups that didn’t exercise at all, or only mildly exercised, saw a 29 percent reduction in their symptoms.
A second study looked at the effects of meditation on high blood pressure.
In the study, 140 men and women with high blood pressure were placed in a group that performed transcendental medication, progressive muscle relaxation or education classes.
After one year, The TM group showed the best lowering of blood pressure compared to the other two groups. Additionally, there was a 23 percent reduction in hypertension medication compared to control groups.

Source: Tele-Management

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