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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A Simple Tea Meditation For Some Drinkable Zen

Over the years that I’ve been running Samovar Tea Lounge in San Francisco, I’ve found that life doesn’t actually get better when we’re distracted -- surfing online, updating our status, checking the news, generally immersed in our devices. Life gets better when we’re connecting with real people in real time. Not to mention that the less time we spend on our devices, the more time we have to actually do something. Write something. Create something. Taste something.

The ritual of tea -- boiling the water, brewing the leaves, and sipping the infusion -- does something that little else in life does these days: It gives us a little hiatus, a break in the action. Compared with the nano-gap we might get while waiting at a stoplight or grabbing a quick espresso, this is time we can actually dive into and enjoy.

We’re not talking hours here. Try 10 minutes and see how you feel. It doesn’t need to be complicated. Pay attention to each step, take your time, and you may find that for the rest of your day you’re a little more relaxed, present, and cheerful. (MORE)

Source: Huffington Post

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