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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Combating Depression With Meditation, Diet

In his book Spontaneous Happiness, Dr. Andrew Weil writes of an 'integrative' approach to mental health, warding off mild and moderate depression with an anti-inflammatory diet, exercise and activities such as yoga and meditation, rather than antidepressants.

About one in 10 Americans over the age of 12 takes an antidepressant drug, according to a report from the CDC, and the number of Americans taking antidepressants hIn his book Spontaneous Happiness, Dr. Andrew Weil writes of an 'integrative' approach to mental health, warding off mild and moderate depression with an anti-inflammatory diet, exercise and activities such as yoga and meditation, rather than gone up over 400 percent since 1988. Why the rise? Are we more depressed than we used to be, simply more medicated or both?

That's one of the questions my next guest, Dr. Andrew Weil, addresses in his new book "Spontaneous Happiness," and instead of taking medications to treat mild or moderate depression, Dr. Weil recommends a few alternatives, like meditation, daily exercise and what he calls anti-inflammatory diet.

What is the evidence that these treatments can actually be - put you in a brighter mood? That's what we'll be talking about. Dr. Weil is going to be joining us. Our number is 1-800-989-8255, 1-800-989-TALK. You can tweet us @scifri, @-S-C-I-F-R-I, or join us on Facebook. (MORE)


1 comment:

Matt Basil said...

Really meditation works against anxiety. For instance, meditation in China is practiced by all levels of society. In advanced martial arts and chi-gung (energy work) it is known to help "sustain energy" by preventing the mind from wasting it through unnecessary worrying and excessive thinking. This wastes energy in the same way as a car's engine idling for hours wastes fuel since you are going nowhere and getting 0 miles per gallon. The same thing occurs in the mind, but instead of wasting gas it's your chi or life force that is wasted. 7 chakras Meditation